Business Address
Address 1
Address 2
Zip/Postal Code
Is your organization for profit or not for profit?
For Profit
Not For Profit
Public Body
What sector(s) does your organization primarily operate in?
Agriculture and Farming
Architecture and Design
Arts and Culture
Childcare and Education
Cleaning, security and property management
Construction and Engineering
Financial services
Food, Drink and Cannabis
Gardening and Landscaping
Health and Medical
Legal services
Local government and public bodies
Manufacturing and Retail
Non-Profit and Co-operative
Professional services
Recreation and Travel
Labour Unions
Basic description of company and nature of your work
Which AB community or communities does your organization operate in?
List all municipalities you have staff in
Primary Contact
First Name
Last Name
If base wage is below the living wage rate (excluding trainees and those still in probationary period) and you provide benefits, perks, or paid time off above the legislated minimum, please list the benefits
Ryan will follow up with you and calculate a customized total compensation rate for you.
How many staff do you employ? (total)
How many staff currently make at or above your living wage rate?
How many of your employee’s wages will need to be increased to meet your living wage rate?
If not all staff (including contractors) are currently paid a living wage, please outline the steps you will take to implement the living wage and the projected timeline (e.g., part-time employees will receive an increase to the living wage within X months).
Please list any external service providers you have contracts with, and the services included in these contracts.
Please list the action(s) you have taken or will take to include the living wage in your external service contracts (e.g., the living wage will be included when external service contracts are renewed). Contractors who work 120-plus hours are paid a living wage.
What is your plan to implement and maintain your living wage policy, and who is responsible for ensuring you remain in compliance with annual updates to the living wage rate?
Yes, I understand that, once certified, I will need to complete an annual recertification form confirming I am still meeting the program requirements in order to maintain my living wage employer status.
Why do your feel it is important to pay a living wage? (Check all that apply)
To increase employee retention
To decrease the number of sick days and reduce benefit costs
For positive brand association and to be seen as an ethical employer
To attract desirable, qualified recruits
To increase productivity
Feel obligated to do so
Other (please explain below)
If Other, please explain:
May we quote you? Please provide a quote sharing the reasons why you pay a living wage or the benefits to your organization. (Optional)
Would you like to receive any promotional items?
Optional items
Yes, I agree to allow my organization’s name to be used on the Alberta Living Wage Network and in potential media and public events. (Optional)
Yes, I would like to offer my support to other employers in the application process. (Optional)
How did you hear about the Living Wage Employer Program?
Annual Employer Fees (to be paid upon joining)
You will receive an invoice from our Treasurer, Edmonton Social Planning Council
Private Sector - 1-10 employees - $150
Private Sector - 11-50 employees - $300
Private Sector - 51-250 employees - $500
Private Sector - 251-500 employees - $1000
Private Sector - 500+ employees - $2,000
Public or Non-Profit - 1-10 employees - $75
Public or Non-Profit - 11-50 employees - $125
Public or Non-Profit - 51-250 employees - $225
Public or Non-Profit - 251-500 employees - $450
Public or Non-Profit - 500+ employees - $600
Signature (spell out your complete name as acceptance)
First Name
Last Name