Leith Wheeler Certified as a Living Wage Employer across BC, Alberta and Ontario

First Financial Services Company to Do So in Each of BC, Alberta, & Ontario 

Leith Wheeler Investment Counsel (“Leith Wheeler”) is pleased to announce the firm has been certified as a Living Wage Employer by the Living WageNetworks of the provinces of British Columbia, Alberta, and Ontario.While the calculations vary slightly by region, the Living Wage estimates the amount that a family of four with two adults working full time needs to earn to meet their expenses. Beyond basic needs, though, it also contemplates the money needed to allow working families to support the healthy development of their children and participate in the social, civic and cultural lives of their communities. Leith Wheeler is the first financial services firm to be designated as a Living Wage Employer in each of British Columbia, Alberta, and Ontario, something the firm is proud to show leadership in. “Being a Living Wage Employer – and the first among our industry peers in the three provinces wherewe have offices – reflects the importance we place on fairness and equity in the way we run our business,” said Jim Gilliland, President, CEO, and Head of Fixed Income at Leith Wheeler. “We expect more from the companies in which we invest, and we hold ourselves to the same standard.”

To learn more about becoming a Living Wage Employer, reach out to the local network in your province.


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